Organizational Collaborations
The following is a list of some of the organisations and communities that have worked together in undertaking research as well as organising events since 2003.
- Aliteno Diak (Atauro)
- Asosiasaun Mane Kontra Violencia (AMKV)
- Australian Volunteers International
- Beazoia (Atauro)
- Blue Mountains East Timor Sisters
- Caritas Australia
- Centro Haburas Talento (Ermera)
- Charles Darwin University
- Concern Worldwide
- The Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation (CAVR)
- East Timor Women Australia
- Feto iha Kbiit Servisu Ha mutuk (FKSH)
- Fokupers
- FONGTIL (East Timor NGO Forum)
- Fraterna (Lautem)
- Friends of Baucau, City of Darebin, the City of Yarra
- Fundasaun Alola
- The Centre for Global Research, RMIT University
- Grupo Feto Foinsa’e Timor Lorosa’e (GFFTL)
- Hakat ba Oin (Atauro)
- Haklean Moris (Ermera)
- Hametin
- The Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA)
- The International Development Program, RMIT University
- The International Studies Program, RMIT University
- Judicial System Monitoring Programme (JSMP), including the Women’s Justice Unit
- Oan Kiak Group (Luro, Lautein District)
- ONE (Lautem)
- Oxfam Australia
- PRADET Timor-Leste
- RMIT English World Wide
- The Office for Promotion of Equality, Prime Minister’s Office, Timor-Leste
Project Funders have included several of the above as well as:
- AusAID
- The Asia Foundation
- The Australian Research Council
- Hametin
- Irish Aid
- Trocaire
- The Asia-Pacific Research Futures Network
- RMIT University
Communities in which extensive research has been undertaken in collaboration with include:
- Aldeia Ra’ano in Suco Serelau, Sub-district Lautem
- Sub-district Fatumean, Cova Lima, including Aldeia Nanu
- Sub-district Luro, District Lautem, including Aldeia Sarelari
- Sub-district Venilale, District Baucau including Aldeia Luha Oli
- Sub-disctrict Balibo, District Bobonaro
- Sub-district Lolotoe, District Bobonaro
- In Dili, the communities of Dom Alexio (especially the Aldeia of Golgota), Lahane, Bairo Pite, Bemori and Becora have all been sites of research data collection.
In addition to these organisations and communities, a great many individuals have assisted in facilitating research-related activities or have participated in the research by providing information such as through interviews or surveys.
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